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Trade Up Your Kid's Clothes
New-to-you items in the right sizes, seasons, and genders!
“Cleaning out closets? Trade up your kid’s clothes with the Swoondle Society”
Sign up to get your first prepaid, reusable shipping bag.
Fill your bag with your kid's outgrown clothes and pop it in the mail.
We do all of the work processing and valuing your items. Each accepted item will be assigned a Level 1 - Level 5.
Your membership activates when your items are processed (or if you place an order). Items in the shop can be purchased for cash or "traded out" for 1 trade credit.
Teach your kids the importance of sustainability by choosing trading over fast fashion.
For just $3 you can trade out something as valuable as what you traded in.
Swoondling instead of buying new reduces manufacturing pollution and textile waste.
We do the work. You just send items in your pre-paid bag then trade out what you want!
"Swoondle helps me clear out the clothes my girls have outgrown in exchange for what my older daughter needs. The girls love when a new bag of clothes arrives and I love that the things we no longer need move on to someone who can use them."
If you have kids, try Swoondle Society. I started doing it this summer and I've loved what I've ordered so far. It's been especially amazing to be able to clear out clothes without having to sell them or leave my house to consign/donate.”
"I love Swoondle because I feel like I can get ‘new’ things at such a low price. I never have to worry about how much I’m spending on kids’ clothes. It’s fast, super convenient, and there are so many cute things for my boy and girl.”